SPB - Smile Photo Booth
SPB stands for Smile Photo Booth
Here you will find, what does SPB stand for in Event Management under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Smile Photo Booth? Smile Photo Booth can be abbreviated as SPB What does SPB stand for? SPB stands for Smile Photo Booth. What does Smile Photo Booth mean?The Event Management company falls under events services category and is located in Corvallis, Oregon.
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Alternative definitions of SPB
- Seaplane Base, Virgin Islands
- Sea Plane Base
- Synchronous Pipelined Burst
- Simulate Peanut Butter
- Sarong Party Boys
- Square Planter Bench
- Scandinavian Plow Boy
- Screen Power For Braille
View 68 other definitions of SPB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SITL Smart IT Limited
- SBS Sleepy Brain Studios
- SFMC Southern Filter Media Co
- SMG Strunk Media Group
- SCHS Southeast Community Health Systems
- SPM Sam the Paving Man
- SDRMA Special District Risk Management Authority
- SPLC Saint Paul Lutheran Church
- SPI Southwest Plumbing Inc
- STD Southern Tile Distributors
- STDS Sage Truck Driving School
- SFL Snowbird Finance Ltd
- SFWE The San Francisco Wine Exchange
- SVA Senior Voice America
- SFI Spectrum Films International
- SBC Sierra Boat Co.
- SAG Stateline Auto Group
- SGC Silverline Group of Companies
- SHM Strawberry Hill Music
- SCC Sierra Conservation Center